What do I think of animals that are indirectly killed by agricultural practices — so-called “crop deaths”?

I think crop deaths are terrible, but it’s important to acknowledge that:
- Crop deaths are not an inevitable part of harvesting.
- The majority of crops are utilized for livestock feed rather than direct human consumption.
- Non-vegan diets necessitate a larger harvest of crops.
If we want to eliminate crop deaths, we can. I was taught that where there is a will, there is a way. Vertical farming and other solutions can completely eliminate harvesting killings. However, we collectively have no will to end these crop deaths.
Perhaps if we one day get to a majority of people who do not routinely eat animals, we will see a complete shift to no-kill harvesting, but until that day, I don’t see a major shift happening any time soon.
Currently, there is a viable solution for consumers to opt out of intentional animal slaughter — to avoid purchasing animal products — but there is no viable solution for consumers to opt out of crop deaths.