End Goals of Christians, Muslims, Communists, Capitalists, and Animal Product-Free Advocates (Vegans)
End Goal: Christians hope and plan for a time of intense persecution of Christians, where few faithful will remain.
“They will lay their hands on you and persecute you.” — Luke 21:12
For Non-Believers:
- Best Case: Enjoy the decline of Christian religious interference in global and local political affairs.
- Worst Case: Moral decline and societal chaos without Christian ethical guidance.
End Goal: Muslims hope and plan for the establishment of a unified global Islamic rule under the Mahdi and Jesus, governed by Sharia Law, where all aspects of life — social, economic, and political — are aligned with the Quran and Hadith.
And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah) and (all and every kind of) worship is for Allah (Alone). But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun (the polytheists, and wrong-doers, unjust ones)” — Qur’an 2:193
For Non-Believers:
- Best Case: Pay Jizya (Islamic protection money) and have their freedoms and lifestyle choices significantly constrained.
- Worst Case: Be killed.
End Goal: Communists hope and plan for a worldwide revolution where the proletariat (working class) overthrows the bourgeoisie (capitalist class), leading to a classless, stateless society, where exploitation and inequality are eradicated.
“From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.” — Karl Marx, Critique of the Gotha Program
For Non-Believers:
- Best Case: Adjust to a radically different social structure.
- Worst Case: Be killed.
End Goal: Capitalists hope and plan for a world where free markets operate at peak efficiency, leading to unprecedented economic growth and innovation, where individual freedoms and property rights are maximised, and where individuals achieve their highest potential through personal responsibility and entrepreneurship.
“It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest.” — Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations
For Non-Believers:
- Best Case: Enjoy economic prosperity.
- Worst Case: Suffer significant disparities in wealth and opportunity.
Animal Product-Free Advocates (Vegans)
End Goal: Animal Product-Free Advocates hope and plan for a world where all forms of animal exploitation have ended, and where society fully embraces compassion and ethical living.
“Veganism is a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude — as far as is possible and practicable — all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, humans and the environment. In dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals.” — Donald Watson, Vegan Society
For Non-Believers:
- Best Case: Enjoy improved environmental conditions and public health.
- Worst Case: Suffer a plant-based or cultivated meat burger.