Men we need to talk: The Misguided Link Between Meat and Masculinity
What is a man’s purpose? Providing and protecting. But I believe men have lost their way.
Today, many men strongly identify with eating meat.
But why? Long ago, our savage male ancestors were responsible for killing animals to take care of their families and communities (although a new study upends the theory that this was exclusively males), which forged the link between meat and masculinity. But it wasn’t the meat itself that mattered — it was the act of providing and protecting. Today, we see a dilution of that original purpose with activities like hobby hunting and fishing. These aren’t about providing for one’s family but rather posing as our early savage ancestors.
Pathetically, some men order meat to impress their girlfriends.
I believe deep down, many men are afraid of being singled out as the odd one out. For many, refusing to eat animals feels like social suicide.
Ask yourself — would your mates mock you if you gave up animal products? They might give you a pass if it was for religious reasons — but if you said you simply didn’t want to harm innocent animals — would you be ridiculed?
The animals we breed, kill, and eat are often young and almost always harmless.
If you’re wise enough to understand how to meet your family’s nutritional requirements without animals, and strong enough to face the social costs, you can survive and thrive on plants alone. The modern man can care for his family while also protecting animals and children.
Where there is a will, there is a way.
‘[Animal-free] diets are healthy and nutritionally adequate… appropriate for individuals during all stages of the lifecycle.’ — Australian Government’s Dietary Guidelines.