Australian (Vegan) Values

I believe in Australian core values such as fairness, equality, and freedom of expression, and I will use the hard-fought-for freedom of expression to stand up for the truly voiceless — those who cannot speak for themselves.
I think the justifications we use to breed, kill, and eat animals rest on unfair and unequal grounds: they look different to us, sound different to us, and act different to us. These are the same evil justifications that are used to harm fellow humans.
We don’t need to eat animal products to survive
While animal products might please our palate, we don’t need to eat animal products to survive. That’s all I need to know. If I can do fine without eating animals — six years, zero animals eaten — I’m doing just fine. That’s over 2,000 animal lives not taken in my name.
Animal eaters are part of the dominant culture and enjoy their lifestyle and worldview showcased and endorsed everywhere we turn — media, TV, film, magazines, restaurants, and so on. I am of the minority opinion. I get that. It’s not easy, but I believe I am right, and I have the courage to stand up for what I believe.
Again, I will use the hard-fought-for freedom of expression to stand up for the truly voiceless — those who cannot speak for themselves.